LA-DX-GROUP - the Norwegian DX Association
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Lagt til av LA8OM. Dato lagt til 22.02.2023 21:15:32

My name is Ennio Strata (IW1RBI), I would like to receive please some information, if possible and of interest to LADXG, for any technical/financial support for a HF activation in subject. Are more than 10 years now, especially in the summer, I have been going to Monte Carlo on a mobile station to operate as 3A/IW1RBI.

In 2020 and 2021 I managed to organize a good team of operators and we found a not very expensive hotel that allowed us to set up a station.

Thanks to our good experience and will, the results obtained have been more than satisfactory with a score compared to the actual hours of transmission of everything compared with almost 5000 QSOs and mote than 80 countries, this also thanks to a lot of publicity on many forums that made known the dates in which I would be active.

I have received many messages and phone calls from friends and strangers from all over the world both before and after activation mostly asking about another dx coming soon.

They published a beautiful article about Dx in Japanese magazines.

As I introduced in my message, I was therefore looking for external help to be able to further refine the activity.

Since for me the mainly portable activities have always been exclusively a form of pure entertainment and having never dealt with the "sponsor" theme, I refer to your experience on the matter for some information / suggestions.

Management costs, if we want to improve, are increasingly "important" and even if this certainly can limit us in some way, it won't prevent us from organizing a new adventure, relying on our resources as we have done up to now.

I report the information that you can also find on the web page

The tests have begun to arrive at the date ready in the best possible way. Also this year we plan to be very performing in digital mode by dedicating again one of the radios exclusively to the FT8, mainly we will be in Fox/Hound mode, unfortunately not everyone (including us) knows how to use FT8 perfectly, so we will try to provide precise indications on how we will transmit hoping that they will be perceived by everyone, our intention is to be on the air at all hours to contact as many stations as possible from all continents. Also the 60 Mt band will be active with particular attention on CW.

Thanks for the attention.

Waiting for your kind reply.

Greetings Ennio.

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