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Forfatter Innlegg: Fra G3SXW - nyttig lesning
Har levert totalt 9 svar
lagt til 12.06.2010 19:50:55
Fra: Roger G3SXW <>
Emne: Re: [FOC] Ludicrous !
Dato: Lørdag 12. juni 2010 17.58

Almost always, I'd say, band pollution happens when an inexperienced pile-up operator can only copy a call-sign on a clear frequency, with no other callers. To find such he then progressively moves further & further up the band, always picking up a station who is in the clear above the pile-up, no doubt remaining blissfully unaware of the mass of callers being left in his wake further down the band. Now, the DX-Chasers are of two categories: those who know how, and those who don't. Those who do know how pick up on his RX pattern and progressively call further up the band, in the clear. They are not the problem because they are all congregated within a couple of khz, albeit further up the band. The problem (as always!) are those who don't know how to call. They don't/can't find the frequency of the last QSO so just start calling anywhere that is above the DX frequency, in amongst the bedlam. In this way the pile-up spread widens until the whole band is polluted. Blame is mostly on the shoulders of the pile-up operator who cannot handle the situation, and does not specify his RX frequency. It is also partly on the Callers' shoulders for being inexperienced, not knowing where to call.

But this is not really what I was referring to. I meant the rare occasion when the pile-up operator himself specifies a RX frequency way up the band. This is a wide split - but if he is experienced then he can still keep the spread narrow. I've resorted to this tactic only a couple of times in my DXpeditioning career, usually on 30 mtrs. That band in some parts of the world is full of strange noises, leaving only a few tiny windows in which to hear anything. I might find a gap on 10106 for TX but then need to listen on 10126, so I say 'up 20'. Those Callers who 'know' do call on 10126 and get in the log. There's a pile-up perhaps the regulation 2-3khz wide around 10125-10128. But those Callers who do not 'know' just call up the normal 1-3khz, and keep calling there, maybe for hours! What then happens is that there are two distinctly separated pile-ups with a big gap in between. It astonishes me to later discover that this secondary pile-up is still banging away some hours later on a frequency where I've worked no-one at all! Perhaps failure to make the QSO will prompt some of them to wonder why, and to learn some tricks!

The new FOC 'DX Code of Conduct' is specifically designed to help with this problem: to educate. We've just launched a DX-End version of it, as well. Until now the only sources for learning about DX pile-ups have been in lengthy articles/books which perhaps folks can't be bothered to study. So hopefully this bullet-point approach will help to get the message through. It's in everyone's interests to replace generalised moaning about the problem with some pro-active attempts to improve the situation by a) adhering closely to these pile-up principles ourselves and b) spreading the word amongst our local club members. A few tiny steps taken by lots of people could help a lot!

(Forgive the long letter but I didn't have time to write a short one).
73 de Roger/G3SXW.

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