LA-DX-GROUP - the Norwegian DX Association
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LA DX Fonds - Supported DXpeditions
Lagt til av LA0FA. Dato lagt til 07.07.2012 11:34:56
The purpose of the LA DX Foundation, governed by the LA-DX-GROUP, is to support national and international DXpeditions which are of exceptional importance for the Amateur Radio Community.
The table below shows which DXpeditions we lately have supported.

Requests for financial support of DXpeditions can be forwarded to the president president[at] or any member of the board of LA-DX-GROUP.

Important note to applicants for financial support of DXpeditions:
In order to support DXpeditions, LA DX Foundation explicitly requests DXpeditions to adhere to two fundamental expectations:
  • DXpeditions to upload LotW logs for members of LADXG in reasonable time (ie one month) post the conclusion of the DXpedition.
  • DXpeditions, where applicable, takes note of the special propagation conditions which exist to/from the very northern european geographies and adapt their operational plans in a way that our LADXG members actually have a fair chance of making a QSO.

Here the overview over latest donations:


DXPedition Period Amount
Glorioso Islands, FT4GL May 2024 EUR 300
Jarvis Island, N5J Aug 2024 USD 300
St. Paul Island, CY9C Aug 2024 USD 300
DXPedition Period Amount
Bouvet Island, 3Y0K Jan 2025 EUR 1800
Wallis & Futuna Island, FW8GC/TX8GC Feb 2024 EUR 300
Lakshadweep Islands, VU7W Apr 2023 USD 200
Clipperton Island, TX5S Jan 2024 USD 400
Tristan da Cunha, ZD9W Sep 2023 EUR 300
Tuvalu, T2C Oct 2023 EUR 300
Juan Fernandez, CB0ZA Feb 2024 EUR 300
Solomon Islands, H44WA Feb 2024 EUR 300
Micronesia, V6EU Dec 2023 EUR 300
Micronesia, V62P, V62S Oct 2023 EUR 300
Samoa, 5W0LM Oct 2023 EUR 300
Laos, XW4DX Nov 2023 EUR 300
DXPedition Period Amount
Saint Brandon, 3B7M Feb 2023 EUR 300
Comoros, D60AE Oct 2022 EUR 300
Papua New Guinea, P29RO Oct 2022 EUR 300
Djibouti, J28MD Oct 2022 EUR 300
Sable Island, CY0S Mar 2023 EUR 300
Austral, FO/SP5EAQ Mar 2022 EUR 200
DXPedition Period Amount
Bouvet Island, 3Y0J Jan 2023 EUR 3000
Eswatini, 3DA0RU Oct 2021 EUR 300
Lesotho, 7P8RU Oct 2021 EUR 400
Crozet 2022 (F6CUK) Jan 2023 EUR 400
Botswana, A25RU Mar 2021 EUR 300
DXPedition   Amount
Costa Rica, TI9A   EUR 400
Zambia, 9J2LA   EUR 300
E6AM/A35GC   EUR 400
CY0C   EUR 300
Malawi, 7Q7RU   EUR 300
DXPedition   Amount
Lesotho, 7P8LB   EUR 500
Juan Fernandez, XR0ZRC   EUR 400
Pitcairn, VP6R   USD 500
Western Kiribati, T30GC   EUR 400
Tokelau, ZK3A   USD 200
Somalia, 6O7O   EUR 300
San Andres, 5K0K   EUR 200
South Orkney, VP8PJ   USD 1000
Norfolk, VK9N   EUR 300
Swains, W8S   EUR 600
Ivory Cost, TU2R   EUR 100
El Salvador, HU1DL   EUR 150
DXPedition   Amount
Sierra Leone, 9LY1JM   EUR 300
Central Kiribati, T31EU   EUR 300
Tonga, A35EU   EUR 300
Samoa/Vanuatu, 5W0GC/YJ0GC   EUR 500
Annobon/Eq. Guinea, 3C3W/3C0W   USD 100
St.Brandon, 3B7A   EUR 500
Mocambique, C8T   EUR 100
DXPedition   Amount
Ivory Coast, TU7C   EUR 100
Temotu, H40GC   EUR 250
Bouvet, 3Y0Z   USD 3000
Mellish Reef, VK9MA   EUR 300
Annobon/Eq. Guinea, 3C0L/3C1L   EUR 200
Baker & Howland, KH1/KH7Z   USD 300
Rotuma, 3D2EU   EUR 200
Easter Isl. XR0YD   EUR 200
Ducie Island, VP6D   USD 300
Somalia, 6O6O   USD 300
DXPedition   Amount
Cocos (Keeling) Island, VK9CK   EUR 500
Central African Republic, TL8AO   EUR 300
St.Paul Island, CY9C   USD 125
Marquesas, TX7EU   EUR 200
Tuvalu, T2AQ/T2QR   EUR 100
Pitcairn, VP6EU   EUR 400
DXPedition   Amount
Chesterfield, TX3X   USD 200
Tuvalu, T2GC   EUR 200
S.Sandwich/S.Georgia,VP8STI / VP8GSI   USD 1000
Heard, VK0EK   USD 500
Palmyra, K5P   USD 500
Juan de Nova, FT4JA   EUR 300
Willis Island, VK9WA   USD 400
Comoros, D67GIA   EUR 200
Equatorial Guineas, 3C7GIA   EUR 450
DXPedition   Amount
Lord Howe, VK9DLX   EUR 150
Tromelin, FT4TA   EUR 400
West Kiribati, T30D   EUR 300
Nauru, C21GC   USD 400
Iran, EP6T (2015)   EUR 400
Navassa, K1N (2015)   USD 1000
DXPedition   Amount
Clipperton, TX5K 2013   USD 500
Burundi, 9U4U 2013   EUR 200
Wake Island, K9W 2013   USD 500
Aves Island, YW0A 2013   EUR 300
Amsterdam Island,  FT5ZM (2014)   USD 2500
DXPedition   Amount
D64 - Comoros   EUR 250
PT0S - St.Peter & Paul Rocks   USD 300
3D2C - Conway Reef   USD 300
ZL9HR - Campbell Island   AUD 400
TT8TT - Chad   EUR 250
DXPedition   Amount
4A4A Revilla Gigedo Is   USD 400
T32C East Kiribati   GBP 250
4W6A Timor-Leste   AUD 250
FW0R Wallis & Futuna Is.   EUR 250
HK0NA San Andres & Providencia   USD 500
T33, T2, T30 Banabas Is., Tuvalu og West Kiribati   EUR 300
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LADXG CW QRG 3567 kHz:
Et av LADXG's viktige formål er å fremme CW (telegrafi) aktivitet på amatør båndene. 3567 kHz er LADXG medlemmenes treffpunkt for en uformell CW treff - uansett ferdighetsnivå.
LA DX Fund
Tema - Doublet
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Skrevet av: LA0FA, Dato: 09.05.2009

LA-DX-GROUP - 2024
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